Nelson is a 2013 Cum Laude graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He currently holds an Instructional I Certificate from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In addition to Twelve Twenty-Four, Nelson also performs in a number of ensembles including, the Anthracite Philharmonic, Bloomsburg University Symphony Orchestra, Hazleton Philharmonic, Hazleton Liberty Band, Northern Tier Symphony Orchestra, Upper Schuylkill Marching Band, Wilkes University Civic Band, and the Skyliners Drum and Bugle Corps. He is currently a Cello Instructor at the Bloomsburg Preparatory School of Music. 

Nelson’s participation in Twelve Twenty-Four returns the legacy of cellist Andrew Collinsworth to our stage! Andrew was one of Nelson’s mentors and we are proud that Nelson will be sharing not only his personal talents with us, but also the musical skills he learned through his time with Andrew.